Blog 3

Describe an interaction between yourself and client at your clinical site.

The interaction was initiated by me with a greeting of “Good Morning” and the resident replied back with a “Good Morning”. This interaction had been at the East Broadway house for community access. This had actually been my first encounter with him and he’d seemed open to conversation. This day in particular had “Smoothie Day”; which is a day that we planned to make smoothies using healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables in addition to education about nutrition. The resident had been elated to interact with me, through his non-verbal cues and verbal cues. His body language was of excitement and eagerness to learn about ways to help him lose weight. I had explained to him the importance of eating balanced meals throughout the day as well as maintaining hydrating status with lots of fluids. In addition the importance of protein and fiber to a healthy diet. He explained to me the difficulties he has been having with losing weight and his cravings. In the end it was a great interaction and the resident felt he had learned ways to tackle his weight lost goals.

Is there anything you would or could do to promote wellness or facilitate the client’s self-care skills?

There are multiple things that I could do to promote wellness and facilitate the client’s self-care skills. First it would be friendly reminders to help the client remember the ways in which he can lose weight to prevent the pitfalls of forgetfulness. As well as information sessions to improve the clients knowledge about weight lost and the innovative ways to approach the weight loss. The information sessions would be tailored to their reading levels and as interactive as possible. Being a rea support system and allowing the client’s to understand you will always be there for them whenever they need help.

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