One Last Version for REACHE logo project.

This week was all about deep brainstorming and creativity. After our team meeting and the insightful feedback from our supervisor, I dedicated a lot of time to coming up with one last concept for the REACHE logo project. I stared at the word “REACHE” for what felt like hours, trying to see it from different perspectives. Suddenly, inspiration struck—I realized that the letter “A” could be transformed to resemble a rocket. This idea resonated with our supervisor’s previous comments about incorporating elements of a rocket or something symbolizing upward movement and ambition.

With excitement, I opened Adobe Illustrator and began redesigning the “A” to look like a rocket ready for launch. As I was refining this concept, another idea came to me. By adding strokes to the sides of the “A,” it started to look like a pencil tip. This felt like a perfect fit since pencils are a strong symbol of education, aligning well with the REACHE initiative’s goals.

I was thrilled with these new directions and created multiple versions of both the rocket and pencil “A” designs. After finalizing them, I exported all the designs and uploaded them to our Google Drive folder for the team to review. This week, I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and excitement for the feedback from my team and supervisor in our next meeting.


Nour Mohsen. (2024). REACHE Logo Designs [Graphic design]. Personal collection.

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