After reading through the AIGA Design Guide as well as the New York Times article on the Shepard Fairey “HOPE Poster” case, I believe that my approach to my own design work will change for the better. The AIGA Design Guide has provided me with a wealth of information on approaching copyright, utilizing photographs and illustrations from other artists, and understanding the responsibilities I have to clients, other designers, and the general public as a designer. AIGA emphasizes the importance of respecting intellectual property, giving proper credit, and ensuring that any images or materials used are either royalty-free or properly licensed.

The “HOPE Poster” case, which involved Shepard Fairey using an AP photograph without permission to create the famous poster of Barack Obama, highlighted the serious repercussions of not adhering to copyright laws. Fairey faced a lawsuit that not only had financial implications but also affected his reputation as an artist. This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of sourcing images ethically and obtaining the necessary permissions.

In my own experience during my internship at Brooklyn College, I have applied these lessons diligently. While I do not have personal past experiences involving misuse of copyrighted materials, I have always been cautious when using materials from the internet throughout my design classes at college. Whether for designing projects, creating mood boards, or making presentations, I make it a point to save the sources of images so I can give proper credit at the end. This practice aligns with the ethical guidelines emphasized by AIGA and helps me maintain integrity and professionalism in my work.


  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA.
  • “A Client’s Guide to Design: How to Get the Most Out of the Process” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA. 
  • “Use of Photography” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA. 
  • “Summary.” Ethics of Design, WordPress, 29 June 2024,
  • “Code of Ethics.” Australian Graphic Design Association, AGDA,

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