Final Week: Wrapping Up and New Challenges

In my last week as an intern at Brooklyn College, we had our final Zoom meeting to showcase our report cover designs. Each of the five designers presented multiple versions. Our team leader praised several designs, stating they were ready without any negative feedback. One of my co-designers created an exceptional cover, and I agreed it was simple and effective.

Before concluding, she assigned me a challenging task to create vertical cover designs, as we had been working on horizontal ones. After brainstorming, I developed four different vertical versions and uploaded them to our Google Drive. A few days later, I received feedback via email: “The color is too cool; please try to match it to the PDF reference file. That’s the only note!” I’m currently working on adjusting the colors to finalize the covers and will upload the revised versions soon.

This final task has been a great learning experience, pushing me to adapt and refine my designs further.


Nour Mohsen. (2024). Cover Report Designs [Graphic design]. Personal collection.

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