Lab 1

In this lab students were instructed to use the codeacademy website and do some of the tutorials on Python. After the tutorials learning how to use some of the basic language then students needed to do  the first interactive exercise which was creating a tip calculator.

During the exercise I used my prior knowledge of coding and correctly defined all of the variables asked for. I had no difficulty until the end where I accidentally typed in the word “tax” instead of “tip” for finding the total for the bill of the meal.

The idea of the exercise was to find out what will be the total for the bill from a restaurant given the variables needed to figure out the total cost (cost of meal, tax, and tip). After defining the variables to fixed integer values, I then had to change the pre-set value of meal to a different value to further calculate the value of the total cost of the meal, in which I was able to find that value.

Final result of exercise on codeacademy

Final result of exercise on codeacademy

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