Throughout my semesters in the Entertainment Technology department at NYCCT, I have gained knowledge as well as experience in Stage Management. For my culmination, I would like to demonstrate the skills I have developed, by stage-managing the Theatreworks Fall 2015 production of “Forged in Fire.” The piece is written by Okello Kello Sam, founder of the Hope North School in Uganda. The production tells the hardships of his past and gives insight to the harsh lives of some Ugandans. The production will be a fundraiser for the children of Hope North, with the help of The Cause and Effect Agency.

This project appeals to me because I believe it will add to my experiences stage-managing a variety of productions. I am excited most; about the challenge this production poses due to the cultural differences from NYC to Uganda, where the piece and talent originate. This project also is unlike some of the theater pieces I have worked on, because it is not only a work of art, but also a way to help children that are in need. The Hope North School focuses partially on Art, Theater and Music, as a way of helping its students express themselves.

Stage Managing a past students culmination event.

Throughout this project and production, I will be posting both information about Hope North and the progress of Forged in Fire, as well as documents I will be creating.