Project Description
Picking a quote from a song, poem, movie, or written work, and develop over a 6-week period 3 concepts for visually enhancing this quote for a postcard. Two concepts must have typography or typography with line art. The third concept may contain a photographic image.
Phase 1- The prototypes

Design Concept 1
- Typography centered
- 90s color theme
- various sizes to fill up screen

Design Concept 2
- Typography & Lines
- use of iconic pattern
- Bright colors

Design Concept 3
- Photographic image and text
- Use of decorative typefaces
- Halftone image
Phase 2- The revisions

Typography centered
- Addition of elements
- Correcting color value

Typography & Lines
- Tinting background for easy legibility
- Warping text
- Repetition and color adjustment

Photography & Text
- Reformatting design
- Change of typefaces
- Adding texture
Phase 3- Final Deliverables