I found the form for proposing a new interdisciplinary course on the College Council website under the Curriculum Committee’s Major Modifications button. It is daunting.
I am working on my portion of the Weekly Course Outline (3-5 weeks depending on what we decide) on the right to die, patient autonomy, living wills, dnr orders and health care proxies, as well as how various cultures mourn and commemorate their decedents through the fine arts (incorporating a trip to a museum, case law, a film(?) and a novel).
Here is the form:
New York City College of Technology, CUNY
This form is used for all new course proposals. Attach this to the Curriculum Modification Proposal Form and submit as one package as per instructions. Use one New Course Proposal Form for each new course.
Course Title | |
Proposal Date | |
Proposer’s Name | |
Course Number | |
Course Credits, Hours | |
Course Pre / Co-Requisites | |
Catalog Course Description |
Brief Rationale
Provide a concise summary of why this course is important to the department, school or college. |
Intent to Submit as Common Core
If this course is intended to fulfill one of the requirements in the common core, then indicate which area. |
Intent to Submit as An Interdisciplinary Course | |
Intent to Submit as a Writing Intensive Course |
Please include all appropriate documentation as indicated in the NEW COURSE PROPOSAL Combine all information into a single document that is included in the Curriculum Modification Form.
Use this checklist to ensure that all required documentation has been included. You may wish to use this checklist as a table of contents within the new course proposal.
Completed Library Resources and Information Literacy Form |
Course Outline
Include within the outline the following. |
Hours and Credits for Lecture and Labs
If hours exceed mandated Carnegie Hours, then rationale for this |
Prerequisites/Co- requisites |
Detailed Course Description |
Course Specific Learning Outcome and Assessment Tables
Example Weekly Course outline |
Grade Policy and Procedure |
Recommended Instructional Materials (Textbooks, lab supplies, etc) |
Library resources and bibliography |
Course Need Assessment.
Describe the need for this course. Include in your statement the following information. |
Target Students who will take this course. Which programs or departments, and how many anticipated?
Documentation of student views (if applicable, e.g. non-required elective). |
Projected headcounts (fall/spring and day/evening) for each new or modified course. |
If additional physical resources are required (new space, modifications, equipment), description of these requirements. If applicable, Memo or email from the VP for Finance and Administration with written comments regarding additional and/or new facilities, renovations or construction. |
Where does this course overlap with other courses, both within and outside of the department? |
Does the Department currently have full time faculty qualified to teach this course? If not, then what plans are there to cover this? |
If needs assessment states that this course is required by an accrediting body, then provide documentation indicating that need. |
Course Design
Describe how this course is designed. |
Course Context (e.g. required, elective, capstone) |
Course Structure: how the course will be offered (e.g. lecture, seminar, tutorial, fieldtrip)? |
Anticipated pedagogical strategies and instructional design (e.g. Group Work, Case Study, Team Project, Lecture) |
How does this course support Programmatic Learning Outcomes? |
Is this course designed to be partially or fully online? If so, describe how this benefits students and/or program. |
Additional Forms for Specific Course Categories |
Interdisciplinary Form (if applicable) (under development) |
Common Core (Liberal Arts) Intent to Submit (if applicable) |
Writing Intensive Form if course is intended to be a WIC (under development) |
If course originated as an experimental course, then results of evaluation plan as developed with director of assessment. |
(Additional materials for Curricular Experiments) |
Plan and process for evaluation developed in consultation with the director of assessment. (Contact Director of Assessment for more information). |
Established Timeline for Curricular Experiment |