Series on Medical Burnout in the NYT

Ansel Adams, Nurse Hamaguchi presents a baby to her mother, Manzanar Relocation Center CA, 1943

Ansel Adams, Nurse Hamaguchi presents a baby to her mother, Manzanar Relocation Center CA, 1943

Just a quick note to tell you that NYT writer David Bornstein has been writing about burnout in healthcare, and the different ways health professionals have been seeking meaning in their work. His latest commentary “Who Will Heal the Doctors” was published Oct 2nd, 2013.  Bornstein’s series is rather doctor-centric but as I read it, I couldn’t help but think how many of the issues he brings up is pertinent to all who work in the healthcare field. In this latest article, Bornstein mentions a course called The Healer’s Art that helps students and doctors reconnect to the deeper meanings of their work. I looked at The Healer’s Art  website and they have courses geared to work with all healthcare professionals. You can look at their program for nurses here. Off the website, the course covers topics including “deep listening, presence, acceptance, loss, grief, healing, relationship, courage, lineage and self-care practices.” We have spent a lot of time on the importance of observation and the need for careful looking. I was glad to see the importance given to listening, in particular deep listening, a form of communication that our students should be trained in to promote greater empathy with their patients.

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3 Responses to Series on Medical Burnout in the NYT

  1. The Healer’s Art website is a fascinating read. I would love to take one of her courses although I’m not in the medical field. Here is how she describes the Nursing program: “The Power of Nursing Course enables the formation of a genuine community of inquiry between nursing students and faculty that encourages an in-depth sharing of experience beliefs, aspirations and personal truths. Nursing students and faculty meet on an equal footing and interact in a setting that supports honest reflection and personal discussion on foundational perspectives and values in Nursing……The curriculum enables students to uncover and strengthen the altruistic values, sense of calling, and intention to serve that have led them to nursing, creating a firm foundation for meeting the challenging demands of contemporary nurses training and practice.” Wow. We could purchase some of her books/audiobooks. Shall we?

  2. Thank you for the article information and website. Yes, I’m in support of purchasing some of her books if possible. Thanks.

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