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Field Trip Report

Visiting the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) was very exciting. Although I came late and missed the process of the first machine, the head of the printing lab went over it again at the end of our session. Most field trips that I go on with the school do not have a tour guide as informative as he was. My favorite machine there was called, “The Inserter”. There were also two more machines called the ESPON 9800 and near the end of the tour we saw a machine that disposes mail. The Inserter is my favorite because of how much time it saves by packaging envelopes. The EPSON 9800 prints images with the same quality as card stock paper. It’s also an ink jet printer according to our guide. Those 3 printing pieces influenced me heavily to want to create designs that would look amazing not only digitally but now physically.

IMG_2364-225x300 machine Field-Trip-Picture-2-300x225

Visually Enhanced Quotes

Step 1: The quote I chose was my favorite Oscar Wilde quote, “Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.” The font I chose was a downloaded font from I considered using helvetica but it did not provide the look I wanted once I found the image shown in my second step of creating the visually enhanced quote.


Step 2: I scrambled the internet for a picture of a blank canvas because the quote references that idea. After finding this background image I thought to create an effect with my quote that matches the mood and tone of the image.


Step 3: Lastly, I adjusted the curves and vibrance of the entire project to blend everything together. I also used a vector mask to brush away at some of the text on the quote to create a dark and grunge look.


Personal Logo / Banner


My personal logo/banner represents me because it is the initials of my name, Niguel Douglas Jr. Though it may be hard to see, the end of the letter “d” in my logo has a circle after it symbolizing the “j” in my initials when looked at in a different perspective. I was skeptical as to whether or not I should keep the circle including in my logo but ultimately I believe that it works fluidly with the concept I had in mind.