Personal Philosophy

Nursing as defined by the American Nurses Association is the “protection, promotion, and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations”. Caring, diversity, integrity, excellence, patient centeredness, ethics and holism serve as the foundation of the nursing practice. Nurses should use patient-centered care to promote the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities through the application of nursing knowledge. I chose to be a nurse because I am drawn to helping and caring for others. Nursing is not about the big paycheck but about wanting to truly make a difference in someone’s life. Caring and wanting to help others should never end. Nursing is twenty four hours. Nurses should be compassionate, empathetic, selfless and self aware. A nurse is a patient advocate and should ensure that best care is given so that there can be optimal results.
As advocates, we should empower patients by encouraging them to become active partners in their own care and engage in mutual goal-setting between ourselves and the patient. Nurses should ensure that all patients needs are met. This profession is not just about the medicine, it is holistic; we treat the mind and spirit along with the body. A nurse should be open to learning new things so that she can use evidence based practice to provide the best treatments to patients. In nursing we are constantly learning everyday. The flexibility we have in our lives, is a good quality to have as a nurse. Things are constantly changing and we must be able to change with it. If we do not we will become stagnant, and incapable of providing the best care to our patients. Teamwork and having good social skills is important for the nursing practice. We have to be able to collaborate with other health professionals, work with families and other primary groups if it’s in the patients best interest.
My personal core values and beliefs as an individual are kindness, honesty, persistence, lifelong learning, family, and success in achieving my goals. I use these values and beliefs to make personal decisions in my everyday life. I believe that the core of nursing is caring, knowledge, and integrity. The focus of nursing is on patient needs, patient healing, patient safety, and patient empowerment. My personal and professional philosophies are congruent because my personal values overlap the driving forces behind the core of nursing. As I continue to advance in my profession I will always honor what I believe to be the foundation of nursing.

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