My Strengths

There are many strengths that I believe I possess that would be great to fit into any nursing work environment. I am always eager to learn new things and I learn new things very quickly. I am very determined, giving up is not an option for me. I am a hard working, dedicated and passionate about all that I do, especially when it comes to nursing. In times of stress I do not panic, I am able to make decisions and remain calm. I bring alot of enthusiasm and passion to my work. I am big on teamwork, I get along great with others. I am very compassionate and caring I enjoy helping others who are in need . I have great leadership skills and I do well in solving conflicts; I am able to negotiate and come to a conclusions that will be satisfactory to all of those involved. I enjoy sharing my knowledge to those who are willing to listen, such as patients or coworkers.  I strongly believe in accountability, I always follow up, and make it my responsibility to keep my word. I am outgoing, strong, and always ready for a new challenge. 

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