Cover Letter

Natalya Cummings

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Natalya Cummings and I am seeking an opportunity to work at your institution. I am a reliable, disciplined individual who would appreciate your consideration for employment. My interest in your institution leads me to believe that I would be a great fit to be a part of your team. My varied past experiences reflect responsibility and dependability. I am convinced that a position with your institution is conducive with my career goals.

My ability to be flexible and adapt to new situations has allowed me to succeed in my past positions. I work well in team environments, and possess a hard work ethic. I have a passion for helping and caring for others. As a member of your team, I would bring a positive attitude and good work ethics. An opportunity with your institution would enable me to combine my determination for success with my constant desire to gain experience in all aspects of nursing.

I have enclosed a resume that will provide a summary of my work, certifications, skills, and experiences. I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have in reference to my background or work experiences. In advance, I thank you for your consideration for any future interviews. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

/s/Natalya Cummings
Natalya Cummings

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