Ethics Part 2

1b. Students are to reflect on whether, in the past, they have used another’s creative work and how have they given that artist credit?

During my academic career as a designer, I have used illustrations and photos that were not mine but I always made sure to provide the source and credit where credit is due. But as my skills got better I tried more and more to create everything I could on my own to get into the habit of trying to not use other creative’s work for my own.

2b. Students are to give their opinion of the arguments and outcome of the Fairey Copyright case.

The article about Fairey’s copyright case was a textbook example of how important it is to credit the original creator. It is unethical to use photos without the permission of the original author. As designers, we should be responsible for how we create content and set a good example. Nobody would trust a designer who does not respect other creators and use their work without crediting them and asking permission to use their work.