
Home > Teaching

Summer 2020
+MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation (3)
+MECH3501 Quality Control (3)

Spring 2020
+IND 2401-E414 Furniture Design (2)
+IND 2410-E418 Industrial Design II (3)
+MECH 2333-E483 Strength of Materials II (3)
+MECH 3600-D207 Mechanical Measurement (3)
+MECH 4700-D216 Fluid Mechanics (3)

Fall 2019
+IND 1112-D108 Engineering Drawing I (2)
+IND 2340-D120 Engineering Structures (2)
+IND 2420-D250 Engr Animtn & Prstn (2)
+MECH 4700-D514 Fluid Mechanics (3)

Summer 2019
+MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation (3 credits) [ Profile | Site]
+MECH3700 Fluid Mechanics (3 credits) [ Profile | Site]

Spring 2019
+IND 1112 Engineering Drawing I (2 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+IND2410 Industrial Desing II (2 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+MECH2430 Thermodynamics (3 credits) covered [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation (3 credits) [ Profile | Site]

Fall 2018
+IND 1112-D108 Engineering Drawing I (2 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+IND 2313-D116 Industrial Desing I (2 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+IND 2340-D120 Engineering Structures (2 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+IND 2420-D250 Engineering Animation & Presentation (2 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+MECH 3500-E500 Computer Programming & Application (3 credits) [Profile | Site ]
+MECH 4800-E526 Advanced 3D Animation (3 credits) [Profile | Site ]

Summer 2018
+ENGR1000 Introduction to Engineering and Computer Technologies (1 wk) [Profile | Site ]
+MECH3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II (3 credits) [ Profile | Site]
+MECH2430 Thermodynamics (3 credits) [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2018
+MECH2410 Machine Design (4 credits) [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH2333 Strength of Material II (3 credits, covered) [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation (3 credits) [ Profile | Site]
+MECH4710 Product Design II (3 credits, covered) [ Profile | Site]
+MECH4800 Advanced 3-Dimensional Animation (3 credits, covered) [ Profile | Site]
+ESCI2000 Energy Resources (co-teaching 1 credit) [ Profile | Site ]

Fall 2017
+IND2313 Industrial Design I [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2420 Engineering Animation & Presentation [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH2335 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH4730 Finite Element Method [ Profile | Site ]

Summer 2017
+MECH4730 Finite Element Method [ Profile | Site ]
+ENGR1000 Introduction to Engineering and Computer Technologies [Profile | Site ]
+MECH1222 Engineering Drawing II [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2017
+ESCI2000 Energy Resources [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH2333 Strength of Material II [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3500 Computer Programming and Applications [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation [ Profile | Site]
+MECH4800 Advanced 3-Dimensional Animation [ Profile | Site]

Fall 2016
+IND2304 Adv Solids Modeling [ Profile Site ]
+IND2313 Industrial Design I [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3550 Simulation & Visualization [ Profile Site ]
+MECH3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II [ Profile Site]

Summer 2016
+MECH2410 Machine Design [ Profile | Site ]
+ENGR1000 Introduction to Engineering and Computer Technologies [Profile | Site ]

Spring 2016
+MECH1222 Engineering Drawing II [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH4800 Advanced 3D Animation [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2410 Industrial Design II [ Profile | Site ]

Fall 2015
+MECH3600 Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II [ Profile | Site]
+MECH3500 Computer Programming and Application [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2313 Industrial Design I [ Profile | Site]

Summer 2015
+MECH1201 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems [ Profile | Site ]
+ENGR1000 Introduction to Engineering and Computer Technologies [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2015
+MECH4800 Advanced 3D Animation [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH1222 Engineering Drawing II [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2406 CAD Plant Layout [ Profile | Site ]

Fall 2014
+MECH 3550 Simulation & Visualization [ Profile Site ]
+IND2420 Engineering Animation & Presentation [ Profile Site ]
+MECH1222 Engineering Drawing II [ Profile | Site ]

Summer 2014
+MECH1201 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems [ Profile | Site ]
+ENGR1000 Introduction to Engineering and Computer Technologies [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2014
+MECH4800 Advanced 3D Animation [ Profile | Site ]
+IND1112 Engineer Drawing I: D101 [ Profile Site ]

Fall 2013
+MECH3620 Advanced Manufacturing Processes [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH3550 Simulation & Visualization [ Profile | Site ]
+IND1112 Engineer Drawing I: D103 [ Profile | Site ]
+IND1112 Engineer Drawing I: D104 [ Profile Site ]

Summer 2013
+MECH 1222 Engineering Drawing II [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2013
+IND1112 Engineer Drawing I [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH1201 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2401 Furniture Design [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2406 CAD Plant Layout [ Profile | Site ]

Fall 2012
+IND3550 Simulation & Visualization [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2313 Industrial Design I [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2420 Engineering Animation & Presentation [ Profile | Site ]

Summer 2012
+MECH1222 Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2012
+IND4800 Advanced 3D Animation [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2401 Furniture Design [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2406 CAD Plant Layout [ Profile | Site ]

Fall 2011
+IND3550 Simulation & Visualization [ Profile | Site ]
+IND3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II [ Profile | Site ]
+IND2420 Engineering Animation & Presentation [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH1201 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems [ Profile | Site ]

Spring 2011
+IND3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II [ Profile | Site ]
+MECH1201 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems [ Profile | Site ]

More info:

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Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.  | Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Technology  | New York City College of Technology (New York City Tech) | The City University of New York (CUNY) | 186 Jay Street, Voorhees 532, Brooklyn, NY 11201 | Tel: +1 718 260 5532 | Email: mnakamura@citytech.cuny.edu