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The world’s largest financial newspaper introduced me as one of the social entrepreneurs working for UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Nikkei, the world’s largest financial newspaper, has introduced me as one of the social entrepreneurs working for UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The article published today is about how I started the Smart Gun Project, of which purpose is to reduce gun violence in the US, with research assistants in my lab group and City Tech’s industrial design students.
It also explains how my research of Energy and Environmental Simulation was applied to a firearm turning into a smart device (gun equipped with sensors and a computer) in order to identify the owner and collect data before&after pulled the trigger. In addition, this article in Japanese shows how I came to the US after I had a stroke due to a stressful working condition that I experienced as an engineer in Tokyo.
コロナウイルス拡大で大勢の方がお忙しい中、僕の進めているプロジェクトを取り上げてもらいました。記者の方、編集部の方々、日経新聞社さんありがとうございます。@nikkei #撃てない銃 #smartgun #スマートガン
「撃てない銃」開発者 米社会の悲劇を減らしたい SDGs起業家たち(8):日本経済新聞
New York City College of Technology (City Tech) News
CUNY – City University of New York
Dear MECH students,
Due to the coronavirus disaster, I will have student advisement via online.
Need a face-to-face communication or a video conference call? Skype me at xmasatox
Need to talk to me or voice conversation? Skype me at xmasatox
Need to text me or a chat with me? Skye me at xmasatox
Need a discussion with me? Email me at
Stay safe, stay connected.
Dr. Nakamura
On behalf of engineers, I served as a panelist of Career in Academia Panel Discussion in Columbia University Medical Center
Friday, 4/26/2019 from 6:00 PM Columbia University panel discussion on academic careers
Are you interested in becoming a professor? I will serve as a panel for discussing academic careers. at Columbia University Medical Campus on Friday, April 26, 2019 from 6:00 PM.

I invited to Tech Transfer Days event and presented on data-driven sustainability at Microsoft Reactor New York City
Students and I are currently joining the I-Corp Short Program for startups (Winter 2019 cohort)
Day1 and 2: We did a #brainstorming for our #startupbusiness in I-Corp Short Program for making #startup companies. @Advanced Science Research Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY #smartdevice #smarttechnology #sustainable#society #security #composting
An article I contributed to US Gaikyo news (industrial newspaper) has been published in Japanese.
最前線 2019年米国機械工学事情
ニューヨーク市立大学工科校 機械工学・工業デザイン学科
アシスタントプロフェッサー 中村正人
ボストンダイナミクス社(Boston Dynamics)が開発した二足歩行の人型ロボット、アトラス(Atlas)をご存じだろうか?米国国防総省の国防高等研究計画局(通称ダーパ、DARPA)監修のもと捜索救助用に作られたヒューマノイド・ロボットで、2013年にアトラスが公開された当時は、ニューヨークタイムズからホモサピエンスならぬロボサピエンスが出現したとまで言われた[1]。その後、二足歩行の能力を進化させ段差に飛び乗ったりバク宙(Backflip)をする動作や[2]、野外で雪や草木のあるでこぼこな場所で歩いたりする動作が動画で話題となっていたが、2018年の秋には、走りながら丸太を飛び越えたり段差のあるボックスを片足で跳ね上がるパルクールのような動作が公開され、アトラスの身体能力がどんどん進化しているのが注目の的となっている[3,4]。。。。(続きはUS概況ニュースで。)