’s Profile

3,301 to 3,312 (of 4,424)

MAT1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry, Spring 2017

Sybil Shaver
Mathematics|Spring 2017

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and topics from trigonometry including identities, equations and […]

Estates, Trusts and Wills

Mary Sue Donsky
Law and Paraleg...

LAW 2301 Estates, Trusts and Wills Spring Semester 2013

ENG3403: The Fiction of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Spring 2017

ENG3403: The Fiction of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Spring 2017

Megan Behrent
English|ENG 3403|Spring 2017

Calling fiction the “soul of history,” Chimamamanda Ngozi Adichie argues that “Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize.” In this course, we will […]

COMD4900 E298 Spring 2017 Patrissi

COMD4900 E298 Spring 2017 Patrissi

Communication D...|COMD4900|Spring 2017

Students are required to find internship opportunities of approximately eight hours per week at an Industry segment site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved companies include advertising […]

ENG2000-E225 Perspectives in Lit, SP2016 (Fridays)

ENG2000-E225 Perspectives in Lit, SP2016 (Fridays)

Cecily Iddings
English|Spring 2016

Readings in and writings about literature across genres, eras and locales. Themes include family, the individual and society, good and evil, gender, faith and “the human heart in conflict with itself.” Essays and […]



Human Services|3505|Spring 2017

This course will explore the various critical health and safety issues and problems affecting children and adolescents. Areas to be explored will include nutrition, personal hygiene, medical care, first aid and […]

ENG2001, Intro to Fiction, SP2017

ENG2001, Intro to Fiction, SP2017

Rob Ostrom

This semester, we will explore the elements of fiction by reading twentieth and twenty-first century American literature. Through an intensive study of selected short stories and a novel, using critical reading, […]



Hospitality Man...|32770|Spring 2017

Principles and practice of identification, comparison, and evaluation of selected foods, ingredients, techniques, and equipment for recipe formulation, menu planning, and preparation. Examination of current trends […]

Portfolio COMD4801 Spring Term – 2017

Portfolio COMD4801 Spring Term – 2017

Louisa McCabe
Communication D...|COMD4801-OL88 |Fall 2017

This course develops of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession by developing your professional portfolio and expanding your knowledge of the Design industry.

ENG2420 Science Fiction, SP2016

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG2420|Spring 2016

We will endeavor to locate the emergence of the Science Fiction (SF) genre and unravel how SF came to be the preeminent literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. To accomplish this, we will read and watch […]

COMD4900 D294 Spring 2017 Trofimova

COMD4900 D294 Spring 2017 Trofimova

tgoetz, Marianna Trofimova
Communication D...|COMD4900|Spring 2017

Student is assigned to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved Sites include advertising agencies, […]

DEN2400L Spring 2016

DEN2400L Spring 2016

Maria E. Bilello
Dental Hygiene|DEN2400|Spring 2016

DEN 2400 presents the didactic material, which correlates with the clinical experience, provided in DEN 2400L. The Clinical Faculty serves as group facilitators who assist the students in developing an awareness […]