’s Profile

2,833 to 2,844 (of 4,423)

ENG1121D430 Comp II, Sp2018

Ruth Garcia
English|ENG 1121|Spring 2018

This is an advanced course in communication skills, including the expository essay and the research essay. This course further develops students’ reading and writing skills through literary and expository […]

ENG3407 D618, Gothic Literature and Visual Culture FA2016

Ruth Garcia
English|ENG 3407|Fall 2016

In the eighteenth century, the Gothic genre emerged to enable a new type of reading and thinking about what it means to be human: it created a new imaginative space in which to consider not only dreams and […]

Rhetoric, Race, and Representation: Advanced College Writing

johannah rodgers

An advanced college writing course.

Rhetoric, Race, and Representation: Advanced College Writing

johannah rodgers

An advanced college writing course.

CET 3510 MIcrocomputer System Technology

CET 3510 MIcrocomputer System Technology

Dr. Yu Wang
Computer Engine...|CET 3510|Spring 2018

An introduction to microcomputer architecture and the basic concepts used in the Intel Microprocessor Family. Key features of the PC are explored by writing programs in a high level language (such as C) to access […]

ENG2001 E221 Introduction to Literature – Fiction Fall 2018

Steve Rosenstein
English|ENG2001|Fall 2018

Introduction to Fiction is just that: an introduction to a literary genre that is massive in scope, and impossible to do justice to in one semester of study. So with that acknowledgement, this course will be […]

Writing Matters

johannah rodgers

Introduction to College Writing


johannah rodgers

Advanced College Writing


Mary C. Tedeschi
CST 2410|Fall 2018

Introduction to Computer Security (D694)


Mary C. Tedeschi
CST 2410|Fall 2018

Introduction to Computer Security (W377)


Sarah Jacobs
English|1101|Fall 2018

How would you describe New York? How does your own experience of New York City life compare to what is depicted in the media? Is New York really a place of opportunity? What does New York owe its citizens and […]

EMT2370 | Fall 2016

Dr. Benito Mendoza
Computer Engine...|EMT2370|Fall 2016

EMT 2370: Computer Hardware Systems Computer hardware systems, along with several software concepts, are studied to understand the function and relationship of the CPU, memory, and peripheral equipment. Course […]