’s Profile

1,549 to 1,560 (of 4,425)

IND 1112-Engineering Drawing-I

Dr. Akm Rahman
IND 1112

This course provides the fundamentals of Engineering drawing and Computer Aided Design and Drafting. It includes basic drawing concepts, 2-D Geometry, Orthographic and Isometric views of solids and presentations […]

ENG 2400-OL50 (Films from ”Literature”), Fall 2020

Patrick Corbett
ENG 2400|Fall 2020

This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary […]



L Wu
ENG1121|Spring 2021

This course builds on ENG 1101. Together, we will explore the question: what is the social context of writing? We will also lay the starting points to build a personalized writing practice within a cross section […]

COMD 3532 OL84 (16083) Production for Designers

Prof. Kubis
COMD 3532|Fall 2021

Course Description: Production for Designers focuses on current print and production procedures that can prepare designers and creative thinkers for real-world situations. Understanding print (offset and digital), […]


Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
2201|Spring 2020

American Literature II

HMGT1101Pericles SPR21 Monday

Prof. Thalia Pericles
HMGT1101|Spring 2021

Prof. Pericles guides students through an overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are […]

English 1101Co OL24

English 1101Co OL24

Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
1101CO|Fall 2020

Composition 1 + Corequisite

MTEC3230 – Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds

MTEC3230 – Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds

MTEC3230|Spring 2020

This course will explore the new frontier of virtual, augmented and mixed reality across various professional uses and tools. Students will experiment with designing and developing game-based and interactive […]

ENG1141 Creative Writing, SP2020

Jessica Penner
ENG1141|Spring 2020

All writing is creative, including the writing you do for school, internet posts to social media, and text/email messages. Where there was a blank page–virtual or otherwise–and you fill it with your words, you hav […]

ENG1101-5363-Comp1, Fall2013-LComm

Professor Sean Scanlan
English|ENG1101|Fall 2013

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and essay writing. In addition, we will […]

COMD 3633 Advanced Strategies in Illustration Fall 2020 (Picture Book Development)

Anthony Accardo
COMD 3633|Fall 2020

Strategies for creating professional illustrations based on a rotating series of topics relevant to contemporary professional illustration. Topics and strategies include: digital concept art (production art, card […]

ARCH3612F2021 Prof Levrat

Jill Bouratoglou, Frederic Levrat
ARCH3612|Fall 2021

Prof Frederic Levrat Tuesdays 2:00-5:50pm + Thursdays 2:15-5:55pm