3 Companies that I would like to work for are…

One of the three companies that I would like to work for is About.com. This company has helped their visitors with a lot of information and topics that are needed to know and useful towards our everyday lives. I would like to help others who aren’t sure of what to do since all it takes is a single click.


Another company that I would like to work for is Godiva. This company specializes in making chocolates that are handcrafted. Since 1926 they have been the top company for producing their delicious treats. I love chocolate so this company will suit me well.


Lastly, the next company that I would like to work for is BuzzFeed. BuzzFeed is a great company since they have so many topics to talk about like video games, sexuality, relationships, school, friendship, culture, countries and they also have fun quizzes that you can take. Their youtube channels are also a big hit with many videos and subscribers. I highly recommend everyone to subscribe to them. You will not regret it.
