The problem in the fashion world when producing apparel is lack of sustainability, if you don’t consider sustainability there are recurring problems people don’t consider such as climate change, deforestation, plastic pollution, water scarcity, and biodiversity ( Bielawski, 2022). The clothing industry greatly contributes to environmental and human damage, if sustainability doesnt exist we won’t be able to fix many of these issues. Human rights abuses also are in danger without sustainability because cheap fast-fashion garments are usually made by garment workers under harsh working conditions, fast fashion brands make apparel in developing countries where the workers are paid under the living wage. Furthermore, sustainability is important because it ensures fair wages and proper working conditions. This is why fair trade brands make sure the maintenance and creation of supply chains are manufacturers and even farmers get a fair portion share in exchange for their products. There are a lot of upcoming trendy sustainable fashion brands making an apprentice, one of them is called Se`zane headquarters in Paris, France other locations in London, New York City, and Madrid. The founder of the high-quality affordable Parisian fashion brand is a woman named Morgane Se`zalory who caters to millennials’ fashion that creates high-quality pieces. Perfectly cut pieces that can be worn forever that last, offering all women luxury quality at a fair and accessible price. Se`zalory believes the pieces they purchase today should become the vintage of tomorrow, to achieve this they develop timeless pieces that will outlive fleeting trends and are such diverse they can be worn every season. Se`zane is also B Corp certified meaning they meet high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain input materials and practices (Kim, 2017) Se`zane Looks at sustainability in Portugal, embroidery made by hand in India, silk production in china, and weaving and threading in Bulgaria are mostly made by hand and eco-friendly. How I view the responsibility of the American apparel industry in global production is slowly changing but wouldn’t be completely ethical unless every single company and fashion brand uses sustainability. Se’zane can upscale due to the time and effort, ethical practices they put into producing their clothing. It is a mature but still very stylish aesthetic, which I see myself purchasing. They are not just a brand but a lifestyle. On the 21st of every month, 10% of their global sales and 100% of the proceeds from a dedicated design are donated to programs that support access to education and equal opportunities for children over the world. I see this brand helping to achieve fashion humanity and suitability in the apparel world as much as they can.
Bielawski , K. (2022). 8 reasons why sustainable fashion matters. 8 REASONS WHY SUSTAINABLE FASHION MATTERS. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
Kim, S. (2017, June 22). Why companies are becoming B corporations. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
our sustainability program . Sézane. (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
Why companies are becoming B corporations. Harvard Business Review. (2017, June 22). Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
Hi Ileana, I agree with you that if apparel companies do not consider sustainability the environment will continue to suffer. Thank you for the insight into the Se’zane brand and how hold themselves accountable when it comes to sustainability.
your welcome ! I liked reading your blog as well
Hi Ileana,
I really enjoyed reading your blog and learning more about the sustainable practices of Se’zane. I have never heard about this brand before so it was interesting to learn more about what they offer. The company that I have researched for my blog is Patagonia and they also donate part of their annual sales to charity in support of ethical practices in the fashion industry. I believe that donating is also an important way on how many big companies can help and promote sustainability.
hi Sanjidah thank you and I never heard of it before so when i saw the website I was interested in it, they have nice apparel 🙂 and I want to start finding brands that donate to charity as well
“Perfectly cut pieces that can be worn forever that last, offering all women luxury quality at a fair and accessible price. Se`zalory believes the pieces they purchase today should become the vintage of tomorrow, to achieve this they develop timeless pieces that will outlive fleeting trends and are such diverse they can be worn every season” .
This part of your research stood out to me because just like my research on Vetta Se’zalory also embraces responsible manufacturing(in this case they do it by producing high quality pieces that stays in good quality and even can become vintage).
I have worked for the dry cleaning industry since I was 14 years old and I would always come across the clothing from this particular brand. They design stylish yet classy clothing using high quality fabrics. It’s very interesting to see whats behind the brands mission and overall ethics. They have went above and beyond to ensure fair trade and global conservation. However, I agree that until all fashion production wouldn’t be ethical unless every single company and fashion brand uses sustainability.
Yes and you can tell what brands actually care about the environment when it comes to creating there overall brand because they put time and effort into finding ethical practice of workers as well to work with them and this brand has many different ethical production in diff countries . I like there diversity and how they appreciate another’s country culture fashion and techniques to apply to there apparel designs .
Hi Ileana, Thanks for letting me know about the Se`zalory brand, I also agree that I want every company and fashion brand to use sustainability, because I think a change in one store may not change anything but if everyone pays attention to this issue and makes changes, then we not far from hope
Hi Ileana,
Being that we chose the same company, I agree that when it comes to making clothes, the lack of sustainability is a concern; if you don’t address sustainability, there are reoccurring problems that people don’t consider such as climate change, deforestation, plastic pollution, water shortages, and biodiversity. I also decided that i wouldn’t purchase this brand because of its simplicity and the fact that it doesn’t fit my liking. By the way, you did an amazing job writing this blog.
I agree with all your points in your blog, when making clothes in todays society you have to start thinking about what fabrics are sustainable and what isn’t. Many companies go sustainable and don’t really think about that and they just end up doing a collections that aren’t sustainable or cohesive. I think it is something to think about when companies try to be sustainable but don’t know what their doing at the same time or they don’t realize what their doing to the planet by not using sustainable fabrics.
I agree that fashion industry is lack on sustainability. I feel that many apparel companies should put the environmental factors first before the brands. Fashion productions contributes many negative impact on the environment, and not many are paying attention to the issues to make a change.