Module 4

Module 4 has been changed for Spring 2022

For the final module of the course, you will put together an organized and carefully proofread text that includes your major papers, with corrections/adjustments as recommended in the paper comments. This is a formal research paper, not an editorial, so please use a scholarly voice and avoid the use of first person.

 You are not starting from scratch–use the papers you already wrote! You will use the research and knowledge you’ve already compiled to create a comprehensive look at the industry. Include what you learned from your less formal writing, i.e. discussion boards and blogs, incorporated into the narrative of the related chapter text.

The theme of the topics studied this semester is the future of the industry, so use this major theme to tie together all your work. You will give each chapter its own title following the chapter number. Organize the paper with the following specifications (use this as a checklist!):

  • Title Page: With fascinating but informative title, your name, course and section, my name, and date. You may add an image if you like.
  • Abstract Include 150-250 word abstract (this is the summary of your paper) with 6 key words/phrases
  • Table of Contents: Include a TOC that has page numbers for each section. Numbering details below.
  • Introduction: Write an informative introduction that summarizes each topic we studied this semester in about 1 paragraph; the Introduction should be about 1-2 pages.
  • Chapter 1: Ethics, Fair Trade and Labor in Fashion (Mod 1 Sweatshop analysis + Sweatshops DB #1). Add your thoughts from the DB into your paper text, if you didn’t already incorporate that information.
  • Chapter 2: Sustainability Issues and Alternatives in Fashion. Include your paper on sustainability issues and biosynthetics (Mod 2 paper + Blog). You should have included the fair trade company from the blog in your paper; if not, be sure to do so.
  • Chapter 3: Discuss developments in smart textiles/clothing (smart textiles analysis + virtual fashion DB#2)
  • Conclusion: This is the summary of each chapter; conclusion should be about 1-2 pages.
  • Images: Include 5-6 images. You may place these in the paper text in the appropriate chapter. Use Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2 for Chapter 1; Figure 2.1, etc. for Chapter 2; and include a brief caption underneath each image, hyperlinked to the image source.
  • References: Add References for each chapter, listed in order with headings indicating each chapter; e.g. Introduction: References, followed by Chapter 1: References, etc. Include  all sources here using APA format. This includes Works Cited, as well as related readings, podcasts, videos or websites. You should have a minimum of 10 references from your 3 papers; more sources are better. You can use the readings provided, but be sure to list in APA format.
  • Page Numbering: Use Arabic numerals starting from Introduction.

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: The paper should be submitted via Blackboard as Word (.doc/docx) or PDF (.pdf). All files should be no larger than 10 MB.

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