Patagonia Leads The Fashion Industry Sustainably

In 2022, we have seen more brands incorporate sustainable practices within their company mission. Due to the growing concerns around climate change and other environmental issues, consumers are now willing to engage with businesses that provide sustainable practices more than they have in the past. According to a study done by IBM in 2020, 70% of shoppers located in the United States and Canada prefer brands that are eco-friendly (Bekmagambetova. 2020). Many of these consumers have also mentioned that they are willing to pay more and want to know the origin of the products they wear as well.Ā  Patagonia has made themselves known as a world leader in terms of sustainability. They are an apparel company based in California, USA founded by Yvon Choiunard in 1973. Currently, they are an American retailer that sells outdoor clothing with hundreds of stores located globally. Patagonia is mainly known for their fair trade apparel items.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  They have also been known to become one of the earliest activists to support environmental ethics (The Good Trade. 2022). They began such practices by using recycled and organic materials. Patagonia has continued to produce their items in a way where there are less harmful impacts to the environment. In late 2018, the company had updated their mission statement to ā€œWeā€™re In Business To Save Our Home Planetā€. This shows how they incorporate being socially responsible and prioritizing it in their company values. As for the responsibility of this company in the fashion industry, they engage themselves into 3 categories which are donations, product and activism (Medium. 2021). Patagonia has joined programs that allow themselves to promote recycled items to consumers as well and by donating a part of their annual sales to charities. They have also worked with many environmental protection groups in order to speed up their progress in being a fully corporate responsible brand.Ā 

Ā Ā Ā Ā  Ā Ā Looking at the fashion industry overall, the main problem is unethical practices that include child labor, animal cruelty, environmental impacts and much more. While Patagonia is definitely a leading brand in terms of serving ethical practices, they are not 100% there yet in terms of their goals. This is due to trying to grow the amount of recycled materials and renewable energy they use throughout their production. One of the main goals that they have for the future is to be carbon neutral by 2025 and source the majority of their energy and materials from sustainable sources (Medium. 2021). This goes back to their mission statement where they want to serve their consumers and the planet by doing more good than harm. From a business perspective, I believe that Patagonia will continue to be successful due to the growing need for consumers and brands to be more socially responsible. I have purchased a jacket from the brand myself and I prefer wearing clothes that allow me to follow eco-friendly practices as well. Patagonia will also drive other companies to incorporate sustainable practices into their values in the future.


Bekmagambetova, D. (2020, January 10). Two-thirds of North Americans prefer eco-friendly brands, study finds. Barron’s. Retrieved March 6, 2022, fromĀ 

Climate Conscious. (2021, April 19). What makes Patagonia a world leader in Sustainability. Medium. Retrieved March 6, 2022, fromĀ 

The Good Trade. (2022, February 16). 35 ethical and sustainable clothing brands betting against Fast Fashion. The Good Trade. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

7 thoughts on “Patagonia Leads The Fashion Industry Sustainably”

  1. In my research about Vetta they utilize dead stock aims to reduce waste and utilize the existing surplus, which compares to how patagonia began such practices by using recycled and organic materials. Both patagonia and Vetta in their own ways have been activist for sustainability.
    “Looking at the fashion industry overall, the main problem is unethical practices that include child labor, animal cruelty, environmental impacts and much more”. The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938… by congress, I am curious to why child labor is still prevalent in the fashion industry?

    1. Hi Rokiatou! Your blog was very interesting. I am also curious as to why child labor is still prevalent in the fashion industry. I believe that should be one of the main issues that need to be fixed since it is a global fashion issue as well.

  2. Thankfully we have seen a push for integration of sustainable practices because our planet can benefit from it. I agree that many individuals of the new generation would rather pay for eco friendly products vs. the cheaper option. This is beneficial to our economy and fashion industry but harms other walks of life in different places around the world. I agree companies will still prosper and some will stay oblivious but at least some are trying to be conscious of the planet.

    1. Hi Amber and yes, I agree as well. Many consumers feel better knowing they are wearing clothes that support eco-friendly causes. I believe in the future many companies will also begin to adopt sustainable practices into their brand.

  3. Hi Sanjidah,
    I agree with you that Patagonia is a leading brand. I feel what they are doing for the environment is great. I like the fact that they value what they believe in and is willing to help other companies by partnering with them. Patagonia is making a change in the fashion industry and I believe many apparel companies will adopt the same principle.

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