LEVI’S® Sustainable Practices

The need for sustainability is obvious as we will be stuck on the planet with the leftovers. Most of the sustainable fashion brands are selling sports or casual minimalist-style clothing that use natural or new technology recycled fibers, that’s why it is interesting to see what Levi’s, one of the world’s oldest jeans brands are doing in terms of sustainability. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the globe (Sustain Your Style, 2022) and jeans are usually on the top list of garment polluters. The cotton dying process is quite toxic, and it takes a lot of water to make a single pair of jeans “To make just one pair of denim jeans, 10,000 liters of water is required to just grow the one kilo of cotton needed for the pair of jeans. In comparison, one person would take 10 years to drink 10,000 liters of water (United Nations, 2018). In 1873, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patented the blue jeans (History.com, 2009), since then the brand has kept up to date with market trends by becoming more conscious and introducing sustainable practices. Levi’s is labeled as sustainable because they are thinking full-circle, Levi’s is designing with recycled plastic materials, the brand is also cleaning up the water before it ends in nature and it’s creating new processes to make jeans without the use of water, the Water<Less® technology. The brand is concerned to create durable products and even offers repairing, reimaging, and recycling at their tailor shops, according to Levi’s website they stopped using PFCs and PFAS, “Prolonged exposure to and unsafe handling of PFCs and PFAS has been linked to severe human and environmental health impacts, including cancer, but they’re still used in a wide range of everyday items, from kitchen appliances to apparel” (Levi’s, 2022). The California brand, present in over one hundred countries is committed to sustainability, they are also thinking of ethical production and sourcing and ways to give back to the community. Quite incredible achievements for a brand to have while maintaining prices affordable. I will definitely consider this information next time I’m shopping for a new pair of jeans.



A&E Television Networks. (2009, November 24). Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis Patent Blue jeans. History.com. Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/levi-strauss-and-jacob-davis-receive-patent-for-blue-jeans

CBC/Radio Canada. (2020, September 16). How jeans became one of the most polluting garments in the world | CBC radio. CBC news. Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/how-jeans-became-one-of-the-most-polluting-garments-in-the-world-1.5280773

Fashion & environment. SustainYourStyle. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://www.sustainyourstyle.org/en/whats-wrong-with-the-fashion-industry

United Nations. (n.d.). UN Helps Fashion Industry to Low Carbon. Unfccc.int. Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://unfccc.int/news/un-helps-fashion-industry-shift-to-low-carbon

8 thoughts on “LEVI’S® Sustainable Practices”

  1. Hi Daniela, I love levis they are my favorite denim brand! I’m pleased to know that they are taking sustainability steps into a cleaner name brand for themselves and I find it interesting that they will make jeans without the use of water. I am curious to know how that process is going to be with the waterless technology I find that very cool

    1. Hi Daniela, I was also surprised to learn that Levi’s has transformed into a sustainable brand. I’m also wondering if the jeans will feel like cotton without the use of water, being water is needed to help the cotton grow. I enjoyed reading your post.

  2. Hi Daniela! Your blog was very interesting to read and I learned a lot about the different practices Levi’s has been taking in order to become more sustainable. Just like Levi’s, Patagonia is also aiming to become more eco-friendly by increasing their use of recycled materials. I am excited to see how they incorporate new practices into their brand in the future.

    1. Hi Sanjidah,
      Thank you for your kind comment. I just started learning about Patagonia as I’m using it for my research paper and It’s really incredible how they are taking sustainability to the next level.I hope one day I can have a sustainable business.

  3. Hi Daniela, Thank you for your data for letting me know that it takes so much water to grow cotton to make jeans, and I’m also glad that Levi’s is creating new technologies to save water, which shows that people are taking this problem seriously and finding ways to solve it. this is a good start

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