TD Problem 1 – PB&J Sandwich


My first project in Technical Direction was to give detailed instructions for assembling a PB&J sandwich that will be eaten by a performer. The instructions needed to be clear and concise. Since we will not be able to relay verbal instructions to the stagehand that would be responsible for assembly.

Along with a detailed list of instructions, above is an auto Cad illustration of how the sandwich should look after assembly as described in the client’s request. Additionally, I filmed a short video demonstrating proper assembly that could be accessed via QR code which was printed and handed in with all additional paperwork to the stagehand.


The video was a good idea but was overlooked by the stagehand in the PB&J assembly process. When the stagehand started they only used the written instructions and briefly analyzed the drawing.


In the future, if I have important information that I need a stagehand to use. I’ll make it more clear in the written instructions to reference any videos or detailed documents to aid in the production.