Welcome to Week Four!

Hi, folks.  It’s a new week, it’s time for a weekly announcement.


We’ve just begun Unit 01, Game Design & Interactive Media!  This week, we’ll continue our introductory lecture and introduce the first serious assignment of the semester, which will challenge you to develop an original game concept!

If you haven’t yet, please make sure you…
… have access to the OpenLab site.
… have access to the Slack site.
… can access the GMeet.

             If you have any trouble with any of these things, please reach out to me or to our course CLT Chris Media immediately. Having access to these resources is necessary for your success in the course, and your success in the course is necessary for the course itself to be considered a success.

Last week we had a quick and dirty speculative design workshop (class 04) and a guest lecture with Professor Christopher Chung, who is area head of Games & Interactive Media, then began an introductory lecture about games (class 05).

You can catch up on that stuff here.

Group presentation – groups will be presenting their design prototype pitches, which we began working on in class 04 (2/15). If you have no idea what I’m talking about, shoot me a Slack DM or an email!

Activity 03 – due by 02/22 @ 3:59PM, to be posted in the Slack channel #activity03.

Participation credit for Activity 02 – if you want to earn a little extra participation credit, review and meaningfully respond to your peers’ responses in #activity02.

 We’re back in person! Review the procedures for coming to campus!

If you haven’t already, complete vaccine verification (if you have an exemption for medical or religious exception, you must have proof of a negative COVID test taken within the last seven days).

Student Guide to Vaccination Verification and Video on how to submit vaccination documentation.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll get an email from Cleared4, giving you instructions on how to access your Cleared4 pass, which you’ll need to show to Public Safety to get on campus.

This whole process takes a few days, so don’t delay!

We meet in Voorhees V-314 (186 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NYC).

I’ll look forward to seeing you there, then.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please, don’t hesitate to contact me via Slack or email.

That’s it! See you Tuesday!

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