Hi Everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. We’ll take a quick look at your logo copies and then move on to designing our own logos.

Design concepts: composition, negative and positive space, design with a message. Continuing with Adobe Illustrator: thinking vector, creating scalable objects, combining and subtracting from shapes, brushes, direct select, fills, strokes, text as object, reflecting, rotating, aligning objects, ordering of objects, exporting

Logo Deets:

Assignment 1:

Logo Deets:

Your first assignment is to create a logo in illustrator using only black and white. Choose a verb from the following list: to communicate, to transform, to imagine, to play, to collaborate, to innovate, to divide, to innovate, to build

You will be making three versions of the same logo.

  1. white background
  2. black background
  3. transparent background

5 in x 5 in 


  1. Choose 1 or 2 words that resonate with you and begin to sketch out a few ideas as “thumbnails” on paper. This will give you a chance to think rapidly through some ideas.

Now it’s time to start in Illustrator:

  1. Make 3 new art boards (5 x 5 in) and using shapes  (additive and subtractive) create three different logos that embody the meaning of the word/s you chose. Save often and if you’re feeling stumped make several versions and we’ll workshop them in class. Choose your favorite and be prepared to discuss why in class. 
  2. The next step is to choose your favorite and make 3 versions –white background, black background and transparent background – of the same one.
  3. Export as pngs and name each one using the best practice: logo_wh.png/logo_bk.png/logo_tran.png
  4. Upload your final three to your Openlab and write 1-3 sentences about