COMD 4900: Ethics Entry 1A and 1B

COMD 4900

Ethics in Graphic Design

Entry 1:

My site for this internship is a private business known as Galaxy Collectibles. It is a place in Park SlopeĀ  that prides itself by being a part of a business that is considered to be a dying breed. They serve their community in selling many forms of collectibles such as comic books, graphic novels, trading cards, action figures and much more. The people who work there are creative and talented and I am working with the supervisor who co runs the store in making things for the online store in which I am helping create. So far I have been having a great time as I am being educated in this industry and it is always good to be surrounded by things you have always been a fan of and people with the same creative mindset as myself.Ā 

1A) As every place of business should have. There is a code of Ethics in which we strictly adhere to and we follow the AIGA Design guide toĀ  the teeth. While we may use inspirations from forms of pop culture, our designs and the photos in which we are using for our online presence and storeĀ  are our own and if we are to use any photos, logos, illustrationsĀ  or characters then we must credit the original creator for whatever we have used, in which this business has done in the past on things such as their awnings and business cards ( I have Posted an Image of their business card in this entry). However As I said before, for the website, our designs and the photos we use for the site will be done exclusively by us. The store does not have much of an official logo so Iā€™m sort of indirectly working on branding as well which has allowed me much creative freedom.

1B) In regards to a non disclosure agreement or anything regarding a confidentiality agreement I havenā€™t signed anything due to the fact that since we did not find it necessary to keep the fact that we are building an online presence for the store a secret because that is what every comic book store should do in order to both flourish and survive which gives a little leeway in regards to showing what I have been up to in my journal entries