COMD 4900 Entry 1: Searching/Landing the Internship

During the break between and the the Fall 2021 and spring 2022 Semesters, I felt like now Since I had more free time than usual to start looking for and internship So that I have one by the beginning spring term. I felt like I was in a good Position and good standing  being that the semester before this
I took a portfolio course and refined and honed my design skills and portfolio presentation whenever I want to get inspired I go to
my comic store: Galaxy Collectibles. I’ve helped them before and have
always been a regular although not as much due to the pandemic
I heard through some friends and people who also goes there that they
were looking for an intern for Graphic design Purposes and no one has really contacted them back. I took it upon myself to go to the
Store to speak to the coordinator/ supervisor Of
this internship who is also a graphic design/animation graduate and has also worked on over 30 indie video games. I sent him my resume and looked over my Portfolio and we immediately hit it off as we had a mutual love for nerd/geek culture and comics in general. After a while he told me  what is expected in this internship and that the things I would be working on is for the website and said he sees potential in me and offered me the position and I graciously accepted.