The Vision For ‘Signed Off’

– A Social Media Detachment Experiment.

 Social media has become a growing part of every day. Social medias are websites or in the recent years applications that allow users to create, share, and participate in online social networks. Users invest time and money into building their presence online, and continuously pour efforts into perfecting that presence and drawing attention to it. Jobs have arisen due to the demand of strategies on how to the best encourage participation and attract attention in online social media sites for companies and their products. With social media now being such an important part of life with human growth, interaction, development, and relationships all at its feet; the question  of how does it affect us arises. 

Signed off  is a final project experiment which I subjugated myself to undergo for my ENG 2720- Writing with New Media class. The task of this experimental project embarked was to completely disconnecting myself from all social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Twitter. This was designed with the hopes to successfully and adequately capture how strongly social media affect a persons’ attention and participation structures, along with the effects it has our psychological being. All of which will be justified and supported through worthy research materials of various mediums. The end-result will be presented in the form of a digital diary blog hosted on a separated WordPress site which will be linked to this e-portfolio site under the child page ‘Signed Off’  Digital Diary.

After a testing period of two week, with the support of research material, the written aspect, and the aggregation of photo and video, I hope to prove how that social networking sites are a large contributor to the decline in generation Z’s cognitive ability to process, find, and read information whether video content or text, to take part in face-to-face contact and interactions, to lack social skills, to display signs of attachment and addiction, to lack the ability to deal with problems without the need for mediation communicative applications, as well as to crave or demand the need for instant gratification in all aspects of life. ‘Signed Off’ hopes to shine light on the ways social media has removed human behaviors from humans and led them to being to best functioning individuals in online spaces.

For more background information see: 

Project Proposal