Community Service

COVID-19 has made our dental hygiene experience very different from what it would have been a couple of years ago. As a result, we could not physically visit our target population to provide our dental hygiene services. On the other hand, my group and I still formulated a detailed plan as if we would offer our services.

One group of people that would benefit greatly from dental Hygiene home care instructions are pregnant women because, according to the literature, they are more susceptible to experiencing gingivitis. Our goal was to help these women understand the importance of brushing 2x/day and flossing daily.

We planned to accomplish this by visiting a Childbirth education class location. Our plan was to present a PowerPoint that explained in simple terms why good home care is essential during pregnancy. We also planned on a hands-on activity that consisted of having the women chew on disclosing solution tablets to see the biofilm buildup for themselves and become aware of their current home care. Next, we helped them use the Modified Bass Method and showed them the correct way to floss.

For more information about our presentation, please click on the link below:

Mamá Self Care Report- Word Doc

Mama Self Care- PowerPoint