
Dental Hygiene is a career that requires the need to understand a variety of concepts, not just about teeth, but everything else that influences the health and esthetics of teeth. Therefore, in dental hygiene, you are not just learning how to clean teeth but also how to educate the patients and prevent the start or progression of oral disease. So why did I choose Dental Hygiene?

Growing up, I never gave much thought to my dental health. Brushing my teeth every day was just part of the routine that my parents instilled in me. When I arrived in the U.S, I went to my routine dental appointment without much thought. However, a few months before graduating High-school, I had to decide what career path I would choose? I had many options: Business, health, science, teaching, and the list could go on and on. I didn’t know what I was interested in, and I was afraid that I’d pick something and then not be interested in it. So I started researching many career paths. Dental hygiene drew my attention out of the many careers I acquired information. Coming to the program, I had no experience whatsoever with what dental hygiene was about or why it was so necessary for everyone. The more I learned about it, the more interested I became in helping people understand why Oral health is so important. Now I get to show patients how they can lead healthier lives by taking care of their gums and teeth. Overall, I can say that I am pleased with the choice I made, and I hope to continue to help my future patients achieve a beautiful and healthy smile.