The night before – 8/24/16

So tomorrow begins my second year at college… honestly I don’t know how to feel about that. I should be excited but right now I cant sleep and I’m dreading that awful bus ride. I guess my summer wasn’t that bad…but I cant shake this feeling that I didn’t do anything this summer. I guess its just me but its whatever cause this year I’m determine to make this year worth something… I don’t know how but I will…

Anyway here’s what I did:

  • Europe in 12 days
    • London                                                     IMG_3693
    • Paris                                                     IMG_3897
    • Rome                                               IMG_4041
  • experienced my first Warped tourIMG_4161
  • went to my first WWE Raw live event14124338_1234352546596040_4067540559907423443_o

I realized now I haven’t put much on this e-portfolio but now that school has started I feel more incline to update this site as much as I can…

So let me reintroduce myself…

HI I’m Margherita Pignataro Gonzales A.K.A (and more preferably) Maggie


WELCOME TO MY (messed up kind of crazy) BRAIN