In the beginning of the chapter of Building Elements in ā€œbuilding Construction Illustratedā€ by Francis Ching, he describes architecture as more than just the art of building. The beauty of architecture is the various ways to design a beautiful house. But, architecture is more than just the design of a beautiful house, itā€™s how successful this beautiful house will function. So, learning about construction and the systems that make up a successful house is also necessary with the process of design.

The structural system is the skeleton that supports the foundation of the building. Itā€™s made up of superstructure system, which are the vertical extensions. Beams, columns, floors, and roofs. And the substructure, which is underneath to build the foundation.

The Enclosure system is what provides protection and privacy. The components of this system are doors (For access), windows (For light and view), Exterior walls and roofs (For privacy and protection and noise barrier), and Interior walls (For comfort and space units).

The Mechanical system provides all the services needed to make the building functional. This system is composed of water supply system (For human use and sanitation), Sewage disposal system (Removes wastes), Heating and air conditioning (Interior comfort), Electrical system (For power and lighting), Vertical transportation (Move from 1 level to another), and fire fighting system (To detect fires).