A system is an assembly of irrelated or independent parts forming a more complex ans unified whole serving a purpose. A buikding has many different typesnof systems that include, conceptual, structural, enclosure, and mechanical.

Conceptual systems include a definition, scale, proportion, and organization of the interior spaces of a building; human activities by scale and dimension; movements or paths through a building; form, space, light, color, texture and pattern; and a relationship between the natural and built environment.

Structural includes the foundation of the building and columns, beams, and load bearing wall for support.

Enclosure is the shell of the building consisting of roof, exterior walls, windows and doors and what purpose each of them serves.

Mechanical systems include water supply for consumption and sanitation; sewage disposal that removes waste and organic matter; heating, ventilation and air conditioning for the environmental comforts of occupants; and electrical system that controls, meters and protect the electrical power supply such as power, lighting, security and communication systems.