Professor Montgomery

Author: Xhulioarch

Reflection #2

Xhulio salillari

Reflection #2

Some of the things that I had learned in my previous reading, because of me seeing construction as Architecture that was the wrong perspective. An architect has a job to do at the end of the day and therefore the more architecture is changing so have the architects you can no longer have a practical approach, but instead have  conceptual approach to everything and achieve what you are suppose to do as an architect. Finally the interpretation you as a architect give to a site is obvious too your style. Or not so obvious, but with a certain goal achieved.

Reflection #1

Xhulio Salillari   Architecture is perceived differently

Because their is so many different aspects to fall into. After the first reading  you can tell how Architecture and Construction can be put in the same job, but not the workspace when you hear construction you hear “shelter” or almost even “habitat”. However in architecture you hear words like “space”, because space falls into different categories you can see their is different materials and super structures and sub structures that can provide different space. With that you are left to choose and check which materials  adapt in different environments and how that environment adapts it’s laws to the construction then eventually effects the architect. Therefore the more you see technology evolve it is only right that construction follows. Finally technology can evolve, but is the environment construction builds on able to keep up.

Reflection on ‘Concept Map’

PROFESSOR Montgomery

Today in building technology with professor Montgomery we learned something new. That new something was a concept map. Instead of a past style of note taking with a linear effect, my class learned how to take notes with more of a hierarchy effect. Therefore it is better, because you do not have to read your whole notebook or sketchbook. however now you can just go to your notebook or sketchbook and read where you have to learn or where you wrote something you already learned and you can just pick on that category. Finally after learning about the course map I will probably never go back to our old style of note taking.