Professor Montgomery

Author: Salifou


I always thought that every building that i saw was a piece of architecture in it’s own way but after reading section #1 of Frank Ching book, I realize that there is a difference between architecture and building construction. Architecture talks to us and is thought provoking.

Generally i would know if i learned something from a reading  if i can apply it to something.  To make sure that i learned an important concept in a reading i usually annotate the important information provided in the reading and review the reading.

Concept of map is an effective way of taking note because it shows you the level of importance in your notes. Having a concept map will encourage the person to read his note because the note will be neatly organized and straight forward. In case the person has a quiz or test the person can easily refresh their memory by looking at the map. Concept of map also help the student save time because its an easy way to taking notes.