Construction Elements are basic components of a building  or any enclosed structure that may be considered for human occupancy. Material is what composes majority of manufactured goods in the industrial and construction industries

For Architects,  Building Elements refers to components of a design, building, residential or industrial.  It follows that any element , component or member must  be made of some substance or matter. In the area of architecture and construction, all materials can be made into  parts that compose, for instance a simple enclosure.

The main purpose of understanding the basic mechanical and technical behaviour of material, is that it aids any draftsman or architectural designer to  create concepts (components or organization of space) based on how material behaves.

To create any enclosure, the designer has to know the basic requirements of how walls can be made sturdy but at the same time, allow cooling and heating the area it covers,  without discomfort to living occupants , in that space.

Before an architectural designer implements a design, the external conditions of a site,  programming and local building codes have to be satisfied. A good knowledge of  materials can free the designer from constant  rework of any plan.

The architectural designer organizes the logical idea of his/her design proceeds to pick the materials best suited for the design and troubleshoots the plan or idea before fully realizing it.

Knowledge of how things behave in a specific environment,  can be applied to  ideal environments and know if the desired result can be obtained or not.

Making designs or concepts must be supported by actual material data if it is to be executed as a building or residential project.