During our last class we have revisited the drawings of the 3 buildings we have seen at the beginning of the semester and do another exercise of reading the drawings. This time the exercise was to find out how different types of drawings such as plans, elevations and sections relate to each other. Compared to the first time we did a similar exercise at the beginning of the semester I have seen that I made progress on reading the the drawings as I was able to pay more attention to smaller details and identify how the drawings relate to each other. In my opinion the entire class made substantial progress in reading the drawings as every student in my group was involved in identifying how the drawings relate to each other and identifying the architectural elements. I remember that at the beginning of the semester we were not able to pin up the drawings in the right order based on how they relate to each other. It was also a great opportunity to develop teamwork which is very important in architectural profession. I have seen a great improvement in working in team, as were able to divide the work along all the members of our group. While some group members were finishing up first building, some of us already started working on the second building, so we could finish on time.