LIB/ARCH 2205ID Learning Places, FA2019

Professors Montgomery and Phillip

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Monday Presentation Refrection

In today’s presentation, the group which gives me more impression about was the group who introduce Myrtle Ave. Their presentation showed us a short history of the transportation of old New York City. Use the MTA train line map and the old photo of the street view to explain the development of the transportation method in new york city. Give me some information that I have never known before. The other group also covers some information about Metro-Tech Center which last class doesn’t show. Such as the group who talk about the economy of Metro-Tech has introduced the organization of “FRUEE”.

Presentations Reflection/Lisa H

My previous Presentation with my partner Maxcovi went well. As the presentations continued again I’m seeing similar connections with the analytical research findings, which is a good thing as we move forward.   it’s like putting together a sort of blueprint via our research findings that will connect us further to obtaining a precise clear picture of our targeted area which is Metrotech.  From the audio clips, to the history of before and after from the presenters allows me to better grasp the upcoming steps for our next Case Study assignment moving forward.  There’s one group that presented actual letters from residents who were being displaced, revealed the cold hard truth that it basically went upon deaf ears was really eye-opening for me.

Presentations Reflection/Lisa Hayes

The Presentations on Wednesday were very informative.  I enjoyed all of the knowledgeable research the presenters displayed to the class.  I can tell that each group really took their time to connect with the Metro tech Analysis.  The architectural mapping of the Downtown area, and showing super blocks were interesting to me.  These presentations were good and the more I watch and see the findings of research that’s described by the presenters, I’m noticing similarities that’s connecting to a larger picture that’s actually coming together.  I’m looking forward to see more as my partner and I will present next.

Presentations Reflection

From the presentations that I’ve seen, I learned a lot about the history of the Brooklyn area that we are studying which is MetroTech. Through each presentation. I like that each group decided to study different things about the area due to the free decision making that the professors gave us. Each group gave me new websites and tools to use that I can use in future classes that I have. The presentations showed me different events that happened during the time that they were making the super block of MetoTech. Learning from other people helps me expand my knowledge and it keeps me wondering what would’ve happened today if MetroTech never happened.

Monday presentation reflection.

What stood out to me about Monday’s presentation was the quote posted the third group that presented. The quote was said by a real estate agent who was for the reconstruction of Fulton Mall. She stated that they do not want the people to move out and leave the area but she wants there to be more stores that will attract more people. What I find interesting about the statement is that even though she does not want the people out but bringing in more stores such as the ones she mentioned will lead to the increase of rent making the area not affordable as it once was. Overall, not wanting the people out the area is one thing but making moves that will cause the people to leave because they cannot afford the area I another!

Also the other presentations were very detailed, it is fascinating to learn how the development of a small area in Brooklyn has impacted so many people and areas.


I think our first presentation was really good, I felt like all teams communicated with each other well throughout their research. Each team had good research questions; I’m looking forward to seeing the second part of our group project. As for our group even though we were unprepared I think my partner and I did a great job of presenting what we had. we’ve learned a lot from each presentation that will improve ours. I really enjoyed Diane and Shelly’s presentation I think they did a very good job presenting the information they found and also a great job showing it graphically using the sources that were provided.

Reflection on Wednesday’s Presentation

In Wednesday’s presentation, I learnt new ways to compare and contrast different materials through different time spans. The groups taught me about their findings and proved their thesis’ well. 

I noticed creative ways to add objects with the voice memos and also images with detailed information outlined on each side too. 

The usage of 3D models caught my attention and resources such as the Social Explorer was also another great tool used. Each presentation was well put together and I observed the different research skills as well. 

The different groups were very accurate in their findings and I found their presentations to be very informative. They were also creative in the way they presented their information to the class. 


Midterm Presentation Reflection

For the midterm presentation, we had to pinpoint what topic we wanted to do. We started from a general topic and were encouraged to narrow it down. Each group that presented narrowed down their topics and performed a lot of research, using various sources – maps, charts, before and after pictures, and voice memos – to show us what they’ve accomplished. Overall, their presentations were well-researched. I was left with an understanding as to how all of the topics presented were of an impact from the creation of MetroTech and fully convinced of each of the groups’ take on their topics.


During Wednesday presentation our classmates presented their questions and their thesis. Along with the different websites and ways they researched their topics. One group showed interesting and useful website that could have helped me out during my presentation. Where it shows old images of NYC to help me demonstrate my point better, compare the past and present. It is a website I will be using as I move further along through my research. The following group introduced another useful website that creates charts and helps analyze the area by giving data from many years ago up till 2010. It would be helpful to compare data from before and have. Another helpful till was to keep record of the key words we use while researching our topic.

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