We need to start our final presentations early on Wednesday Dec 18. Please come to class by 10:00am instead of 10:30am so we can start promptly.
Please email to confirm.
Prof. Montgomery
Professors Montgomery and Phillip
We need to start our final presentations early on Wednesday Dec 18. Please come to class by 10:00am instead of 10:30am so we can start promptly.
Please email to confirm.
Prof. Montgomery
Link: https://nyti.ms/2pP0L62
This article is useful reading for projects involving affordable housing and gentrification.
Also useful reading for discussion of massing/building bulk.
Please see the OpenLab GradeBook through the dashboard for your mid-term grades. Please let Prof. Phillip and me know if you have any questions.
See you all on Monday.
Prof. Montgomery
Please explore your neighborhood using this city GIS map with a rich database: http://www.oasisnyc.net/map.aspx
Use the print button to generate an image file of each map you want to include in your presentation.
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