This trip was different from the other one we did before. In this trip we focused more on the architecture of the buildings.  We were able to see the difference between old and modern buildings. There is a big difference between the two of them, the old building were more unique, you could see details and different type of design. This is important because these details require more people, work, and more money to be done, for example in the Offerman building which was built in the  1890 you could see the unique design with the arches and the windows between each store, when in the other hand the modern buildings require less labor to be done and is cheaper. The one problem you could see with modern building is that most of them is that they are not unique, most of them look the same. Similar designs and similar materials are used in the modern building we have today. We also practice more on the observation skill by doing voice memos and analyzing metro tech on how people move, the idea behind how it was built and more.