Over two weeks period of the assignment of studying my neighborhood.  I have learned 2 things that changed the way i’m thinking and it will impact the way i view project as whole in the future.

First of all , before the assignment, i never thought that video memo would be so effective as i become more aware of my surrounding and  pay attention to the details of the building. As i recording the video and talking as i recording, i saw the changes and the interaction between people. People would stop in the middle of the street and chat for few minutes with their friends.  On that moment, i realized that i didn’t know my neighborhood well as i thought.

Second, as i talk to the elderly around my neighborhood. I notice that if you live in an environment that does not require  you to speak foreign language, you can still be happy and live wealthy like the way you live in your home country.  The most frequently question that i asked the elderly is how happy are you living in the foreign country that you’re not familiar with and the majorities of them answer very happy . I was shocked because i wasn’t expecting to get such positive answer.