I moved to Staten Island a little over a year ago. I basically don’t know much about my neighborhood and it was really difficult for me to get accommodated in it. For this assignment; during my neighborhood analysis, I felt like my neighborhood was a strange place.  I thought I would explore new places that were considered landmarks, but unfortunately Graniteville Staten Island doesn’t have historical landmarks, and relatively no gathering places. But what did catch my eye are the demographics.

In Graniteville, the majority of the people there are Italian and Greek and they have been there all their lives.  In 1899, there was a new cemetery in the neighborhood, Baron Hirsch Cemetery. It was established for the Jewish Greek and Italian immigrants. Since then the neighborhood stayed with the same settings.  Also in my neighborhood, there is Forest Ave; which is a shopping area. But the demographics there are completely different then where I live. Up on Forest Ave, there are Hispanics, Arabs, and African American. According to Address Report Analysis there have been 0 demolitions in the past year in Graniteville and 0 new buildings in the neighborhood; which is a lot more different than we can saw for Brooklyn.