1. SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT TO EDUCATE SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS AT: Horan School (P79M) in East Harlem 55 E. 120th Street, NY. 10035

In November 2023, my classmates and I had the opportunity to give dental education to children with special needs in a public school in Brooklyn. I strongly believe that education is key to preventing dental disease, and I was delighted to share my knowledge and expertise with the next generation. We demonstrated toothbrushing techniques on a typodont, and the kids were able to practice the skill. We also provided nutrition counseling and presented PowerPoint presentations and videos to students.

2. GIVE KIDS A SMILE EVENT, Brooklyn, NY (March 2024)

In March 2024, Give Kids Smile was celebrated at the New York City College Dental Hygiene Clinic. It is an event kindly prepared by Colgate and faculties. This activity was performed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The children participating were between ages 5 and 12. I was able to provide my 5-year-old patient with an EO/IO examination, dental charting for primary dentition, and flossing. I also provided education on toothbrush techniques (circle method) on the typodont and then the kid demonstrated and practiced. With the parent’s consent, I applied 5% fluoride varnish. Finally, the kid received a goodie bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and stickers. NYCTECH also provided vision and hearing care to all the kids. The Colgate team prepared a room with photos, banners, and oral hygiene education for children using toothbrushes and toothpaste. The kids were so happy. It was such a good experience. I loved seeing the kids happy and getting involved in teaching them how to maintain good oral hygiene. 

3. SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT – Litter Bear Clubhouse Daycare: Queens, NY, March 2024

In March 2024, as part of a community service project, my classmates and I visited the Litter Bear Clubhouse Daycare to promote oral health and healthy living habits among children. The trip focused on educating the children about the benefits of proper oral hygiene and good nutrition. We taught the kids how to brush properly and what foods are healthy and unhealthy for their teeth. We had a paper board full of pictures to present. Our main question to the class was, what happens if you do not brush your teeth? As we expected to explain what sugar bugs are, the class shouted, “Cavities.” We were impressed and cheered them on. We also informed them that they must brush their teeth twice daily for 2 seconds, in the morning and before bed. We implemented the show and told, individually sat with a couple of the kids, and guided them on how to brush their teeth using our Colgate typodonts; while brushing, a student pointed out you must brush your tongue!

Overall, the field trip provided a valuable opportunity to promote oral health and healthy living habits among children and their families. It also helped me to develop important organizational and leadership skills, including critical thinking, time management, and problem-solving. 


In May 2024, as part of our Public Health class requirements, we visited a Head Start program school for 3k children between 3 and 4 years old. During the visit, we first showed them an educational video, we educated the about brushing technique and then every kid demosted on the Dino typodont. Finally, we provided dental screenings and applied 5% sodium fluoride Varnish.