Lab 4

Lab 4 Description

In this lab we will test the following commands:

a. chmod
b. su
c. sudo
d. chown
e. passwd
f. ps
g. kill
h. printenv


The “chmod” command in Linux will change the mode or permissions of a file or directory.



The “chown” command in Linux is used to change the owner of a file.


The “kill” command in Linux it used to display the currently running processes on Linux systems.


The “passwd” command in Linux is used to change the password on a system.


The “ps” command in Linux is used to view a snapshot of the processes.


The “su” command in Linux allows to log in as another user in the system.


The “sudo” command allows you to execute commands as a different user, usually a superuser in a controlled way.


The “printenv” command in Linux will displays a list of the environment variables.










































































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