Lab 1

In Lab 1, I will show the following commands:
a. df
b. cal
c. free
d. cd
e. pwd
f. ls
g. file
h. less

A) df


The df command is used to show the amount of disk space that is free on file systems.

B) cal


The cal command is used to show the calendar in the operating system’s UI.

C) free


TheĀ free command display RAM details in Linux machine.

D) cd


The cd command isĀ usedĀ to change the current working directory in an operating system.

E) pwd


The pwd command is used to output the path of the current working directory.

F) ls


the ls command is usedĀ to list files in Unix and Unix-like operating systems.

G) file


The file command is a standard programĀ for recognizing the type of data contained in a computer file.

H) less


The less command is a terminal pager program on Unix systems used to view (but not change) the contents of a text fileĀ one screen at a time.

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