Seventh Journal: How I received my internship

I was lucky enough to get this internship from a close family friend who works there, Shianne Velez. I was talking to her about how hard its been trying to find one with my current school schedule. She mention that her office would be interested in a design intern because they want to redesign their logo and some touch points that included their stationary and uniforms. She asked me to send her boss Anthony my resume and portfolio. I was able to have my portfolio almost done since I was able to work on it weeks prior. After a few days, she asked if I could come in to have a discussion with Alex and Anthony. The following day which was a Thursday, I took a trip to the Bronx, NY to their office. I didn’t have to wait long to meet with them; they were very quick to start the interview. It didn’t last very long, they asked me about school and what I want to do when I graduated. They also asked what kind of design work I was interested in. Overall it went really well and they asked me right there if I would be willing to intern there which I agreed too.

Sixth Journal: First Task

This is my first day at the office and my supervisors are Alex Greenberg, Anthony Valente and Shianne Velez. They are the three people that I will mostly work with and get my task from. For my first task at Evergreen Mechanical, I was asked to create a poster for a March Madness Happy Hour event that my company is holding for many of their clients and their clients families. Of course being my first actual task, I was nervous. The specifications for the poster were pretty simple, to create a poster for social media, email, and text. So I research what exactly March Madness is because if I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure at all. To find out it is a College Basketball Tournament for all the best teams in the league as they compete against each other. I found some cool inspiration and created a poster that I felt represented what the tournament was about.

Fifth Journal: Finally have a Internship

I finally found an internship which I am extremely happy about. It’s one less thing I have to worry about. It is at Evergreen Mechanical Corp, which is a family owned plumbing, heating and fire protection company. They work both on commercial and residential properties all over New York City, 24 hours a day. They are currently looking to build on a design department instead of out sourcing for their products. I’m looking forward to building a new position with this company and the possibly of having a job after I graduate. They focus primarily on plumbing and heating installation and repair. The company used to work only on large commercial buildings but in the last few years started working on residential properties.

Fourth Journal: I think I found one

I think I finally found an internship. There is a company called Evergreen Mechanical and they are looking to start a department for their social media and website. I reached out and told them a little about myself and how I was looking for an internship for college credits and they had agreed to meet with me. I went to an interview on Thursday Feb 24, 2022, which the supervisor of the company and I felt it went really well. I explained what I can do and how I can help build their social media presence. I find out next week if I’ve gotten the position which I’m super nervous about but at the same time feel really good about.

Third Journal: First Online Event

Last Thursday on Feb 17, 2022, I attended an virtual event called “How To Master The Chaos: Font Foundry Development Stages. I’ve always been a huge fan of fonts and manipulating fonts for design purposes; so when I saw this event online I was excited to see what it was about. I was actually very intrigued and surprised with how much I learned at this event. I actually didn’t know what there are companies out there that just focus on making fonts and distributing them. It was a discussion lead by TypeType CEO Alexander Kudryavstev and Art Director Yulia Gonina and how they grew their font company from two people to over thirty. As someone who hopes to grow and build their own studio it was super inspirational knowing that people out there are taking the chances on their dreams and actually succeeding.

Second Journal: Internship Search Still in Full Force.

Now that it is the second week and I still haven’t found an internship; I’ve been applying to pretty much any ad I can see for an internship but its still been extremely dry. I have reached out to people I know that have small businesses as well to see if I could possible be apart of their team. I have heard some interested parties but nothing concrete yet but I’m not giving up hope yet. I know something will eventually come I just have to keep faith.

First Journal: Still Trying to Find an Internship

It was the first day of class of my last semester and I still don’t have an internship. I’ve been applying and applying but haven’t had much luck. I’ve always have trouble when it comes to finding a job or anything. I’m taking portfolio this year as well which is becoming helpful in creating a strong     resume and portfolio for the work force. I do wish I would have taken it a different semester instead of with internship but all I can do is work hard and take everything I learn from both classes and apply that to applying for internships. I do hope with this class I can find one in time especially since I’m taking five classes this semester. I have to make sure I schedule myself correctly in order to get to my finish goal of graduating college on time. It’s also difficult finding one that I really want to work for; which is a little scary.