Last week RAPP hosted a July 4th Mixer Kickoff. Everyone from every department was invited to this “party”. The purpose of this was so that everyone in company meets everyone, because in reality you only interact with whoever is on your floor/department. Throughout this get together many other events were announced for August such as attending baseball games, yoga etc. Food and drinks were served, the new hires were also the ones serving drinks at this get together to spark conversation with the employees who have been here for a while.
As for having role models at work, I would have to be honest and say I do not have one. I DO however notice how hard the employees work and how passionate some are about their work. There is one Art Director here who is passionate about what he does, I really admire his work ethic. He is able to see what others cannot in our meetings. He is kind of like “the voice of reason” and he is never harsh with critiques. He really does have an “eye for design”.