“Hat on a Hat” exercise


Hello again– great meeting you today. For this exercise, read the entire (short) essay called “The ‘Other Side’ is not Dumb” by Sean Blanda — see the hand-out I gave you or the textbook (p. 212).

Choose ONE paragraph (or even one of the pictures), annotate it (take notes on it) and then write a paragraph explaining what that paragraph (or picture) is saying. OVERLY explain it. Use synonyms. You can even riff a bit on what the paragraph makes you think of. The point is to help you think of different ways to say the same thing.

This is a wacky exercise, so if it feels awkward while you are doing it… that’s OK! You won’t be graded on being “right,” you WILL receive participation points for putting effort into it.

Remember Thurs. class meets at 10am in the same room… see you then!

Prof. Miller